It's all about the brand. Every graphic design piece should work together to strengthen and support the brand- read about DESIGN STRATEGY, below. This can range from a logo design to a complete corporate identification package, which can include stationery, internal forms, website and social media design.


Enhance your sales tools with smart, effective graphic design for online and offline marketing, including direct mail, brochures, sales support materials.


Communicate a complex process or concept with a clever graphic. A picture can indeed be worth a thousand words with infographics.


MY Designs has years of experience with company newsletters, magazines, e-newsletter, or simply the illustrations and graphics needed for an existing publication.


Fresh, hand crafted designs for a single print ad or a comprehensive campaign for on or offline advertising.


Design Strategy ensures that every piece of graphic design that is created for a brand is serving the big picture purpose. It is more than just matching colors and slapping the logo on a business card and promotional items. It requires attention to detail, understanding the business and marketing strategies already in place, and being able to clearly identify target markets.

When a company has been in business for a while, and has never had an in-house marketing department or even a graphic designer, the tasks of creating company ID and marketing materials often falls to the owner of the business or an admin person. Items are created on an "as needed" basis, often with little time to prepare. The result is "patch work branding". When you are struggling to accomplish something you are not trained in, with tools that are not quite right for the job - on top of your ACTUAL job - it can be frustrating!

Design Strategy is the opportunity to lay out a plan for now and years to come that will keep the message clear and true. It involves understanding what a business can do for themselves even if they never hire a professional designer.

"Monica always provides the utmost in professional artwork and concepts. She takes time to communicate and understand the "tone" of the pieces that I am looking for before producing them. I've had experience with designers in the past that are more concerned with the value of their artwork than they are with how it fits and works for your specific company needs. I have never had that problem with Monica. She works to produce pieces that work for you and she is very easy to work with."
Ginny Langbehn, Director of Advancement at U.S. Space & Rocket Center